Stop! Don’t Read on if you are looking for a fast track to riches – This is not another get rich in 90 days pitch!

This is for serious business owners with established businesses looking to find untapped income and profit center in their established businesses:

If you are serious about growing your business faster and with less work over the next 12 months then you need to capitalize on these untapped and underexploited opportunities in your business.

Or you can go about growing your business the hard way – just keep your nose to the grindstone hoping to get lucky and funneling more and more customers..


Dear Business Professional,

When it comes to growing your business there are two options – the hard way. Which is the one that get’s talked about by all the ‘experts.’

Or would you like to discover ‘the path less travelled?’

Ben and I were in another seminar together listening another business guru drone on and on about how to get more leads and more customers – this one was talking about print ads.

There are different types of gurus talking about how to get more sales, more leads with different media. Some talked about the internet, (a lot do actually), others speaking, magazines and on and on and on.

Back in one of our hotel rooms at the end of that day and we had a bit of a revelation over a few quiet ales and long chat.

You can use all of those media to get customers.

However, if you had a plan and systems in place you can keep the customers generated, get future sales and referrals out of them. And then use more ways to get more customers…

If you don’t do that, why would you bother to get those customers in the first place?

Think about it – the cost of getting the first sale out of a customer is 7 times that of selling to an existing customer.

Like a dog chasing a car, if you are just running around screaming “more customers, more customers, more customers…” Then you damn sure better have a plan for when you actually get them.

Or are you going to be like the dog that one day catches a car? Staring at its master unsure what to do next and hoping for a pat on the head?

We realized this and figured it was time to get to work tackling this all too obvious blind spot.

This is what led us to where you are today – at the foot of this very mountain.

We knew there was something in helping business owners and marketing professionals generate more repeat business and referrals. It was time to delve into that worm hole. As far as we could tell nobody and I mean nobody was actually teaching business owners how to do this.

It took months and months of exhaustive research in order to figure it out. And thankfully it is relatively straight forward to implement. It was at this stage that our first newsletter clients were coming to us and seeking help growing their business.

What all of this allowed us to do was achieve seemingly miraculous results for our clients.


Cariss Printing… You may not think there is much of a printing industry left. But hey, Cariss Printing are making quite a good fist of it.

When we started talking to Simone and Blair, they were doing okay, but they knew they needed to grow. Many of their long term clients were ordering lower volumes and less often from them. Simone knew that many of their clients could be encouraged to order other different types of printing, but they either didn’t know about it or they didn’t know how to they could effectively use it in their businesses.

Their first goal with their newsletter was to keep their clients ordering at their current levels for longer. It meant that it would minimise the number of new clients they needed in order to grow. For example if you are losing 10 customers a year and we cut that down to 5 that is a huge win. You need 50% less new customers each year in order to break even, and then each new customer after that is growth!



We worked with Cariss to implement a monthly printed customer newsletter. They educated their clients about the different types of printing and how to use it effectively in their marketing. After they ran an educational article, they would have a surge of orders for the product or service that was in the article.

Since they started their newsletter, some of their long term major clients who had been ordering less and less, have come back and are now ordering more than they have in years. A major boost in sales.

Finally, because they know that each client can be exceptionally valuable to them, Cariss determined that they could afford to send their newsletter to their existing leads as well as their clients, turning the newsletter into a lead conversion tool also!

By targeting businesses that are likely to buy large amounts of printing, they could afford to send their newsletter to selected cold-leads as well – because if just one of those customers came on board, it would pay for the whole years newsletter investment!

After all, they were only paying for the additional printing and postage – the newsletter was already being produced regardless.

Just by making that small additional investment, Cariss Printing landed a new client whose first order with them was worth $30,000.

In the second 12 months, they were able to take over a major home builder’s printing because the key decision makers were actually receiving their newsletter and engaging with it.

Those two accounts have more than paid for their entire newsletter investment and everything else they get from it is all profit!

When we last spoke to Simone, she could directly trace a 508% ROI on their newsletter.

We’ve had Cariss printing as a client for over two years now!



If you’ve followed us for a while there is no doubt that you’ve seen our referral competition insert in our newsletter… And, yes we are actively generating referrals from it. Jarrad Mahon at Investor’s Edge started doing a newsletter with us in September last year. When we had our 6 month review with him in February we recommended he started doing some sort of referral promotion to his customers.

Everyone wants more referrals right?

Yes, we know, stupid question… is the grass green or the sky blue?

Everyone knows that the absolute best source of new customers is referrals. They are more likely to refer additional clients themselves; they are less price-resistant and more compliant. If you need to double your business and you only want to do ‘one thing’ then you really only have one choice. Referrals! Otherwise you need to implement lots of little things that each give you small chunks of growth.

So for those of you who want to double your business by only doing one thing,  you need to figure out how on earth you can get every customer you have to refer just one client to you… Simple! If you want to double your business in 12 months then you need to figure out how to get one referral per client in the next 12 months.

It can’t be that hard! The average person knows 52 people like themselves (based on the idea that the average funeral and wedding attendance is 52.) The average person can name 22 people who are employed in their position or higher at other businesses. What I’m pointing out to you is that they all have plenty of opportunities to refer business your way… they just aren’t referring it to you!

Every business owner we talk to says that ‘they know they need referrals…’ but they don’t know how to ask for them effectively without being seen as a pushy salesman. (Pushy referral seeking can damage client relationships and actually cause customers to leave!)

Most of the time, we are told to ask for referrals after we have closed the sale. But that is it… However, the longer we keep our clients engaged and the stronger the relationship we have with them, the more good will we’ve deposited in their emotional bank account – and the more likely they are to refer.

All that effort you are putting or not putting into your existing clients is either building up an emotional bank account of good will or draining out of it. If it gets too low they will go somewhere else to buy.

On the flip side, if it gets high enough, they will be customers for life and they will also refer new clients to you!

This is what we explained to Jarred when he started. He said “Cool. Got it. So we need to build up the emotional bank account before we can withdraw referrals.”


So we said, “Let’s launch a referral competition. Give your clients a reason to refer. Their emotional bank accounts are topped up, they know that you care about them and that you are offering a really good service. So let’s capitalise on the positive emotional account balance.”

Jarred was tracking how much referral activity was responsible for his growth and it was significant. A large amount of his new client activity was driven by referral.



Jarrad’s income results are fantastic, but don’t assume that these are pie-in-the-sky figures! – This is a really achievable result using a newsletter! You simply need to be doing a good job satisfying your customers’ needs, wants and desires and be actively investing to build a strong relationship with your customers.



Interestingly, Leigh and Jarrad started at the same time as each other and both were referred to us. Leigh’s primary goal was to remain front of mind with his customers – so that when they realised they have a sales problem they can call him.

In the first 6 months it had all worked to plan – he’d been referred a client or two, he won some work off of clients who hadn’t ordered anything in a long time. He’d even gotten a new client on board after he started sending his newsletter to his leads.

A couple of times a year Leigh puts on a seminar for his existing clients. Now, for those of you who have done events, you know that biggest challenge is to get people to commit to showing up and actually showing up.

It’s a lot of hard work to get ‘bums on the seats’ as they say in the seminar business.

Leigh put an offer in his newsletter for his subscribers – “get a seat at my upcoming seminar.”

Low and behold the customers who had been receiving and enjoying his newsletter are the ones who responded. He filled his seminar in less than two weeks from one mention in his newsletter.

He also put a referral option in that promotion. “Tell everyone you know who might be interested and they will also get the same deal.” A bunch of the attendees were new clients referred by existing customers.!

It’s the fastest and the lowest cost way he has ever filled a seminar.

When we get our clients started doing a newsletter, we actually work with them to make sure that there is a plan in place to take advantage of these opportunities. They are vitally important for being able to grow your business without the entire hard grind of just putting more and more new customers into the meat grinder.


We’ve spent the last 2 years honing our systems so that we can deliver a high quality product for our clients. What we can do now is a fine art… This is not just a peak behind the curtain, this is actually our entire newsletter marketing system revealed… the entire blueprint!

How we go about creating newsletters that not only get read but are eagerly anticipated by our client’s customers and also that they come back and keep buying from them again and again.

Step by step we are going to show you everything you need to create a newsletter every month that your clients will look forward to getting, but will also make you money…

Here is what you will discover as we help you grow your business the easy way.



We offer a double session to explain strategically the alternative ways to grow your business – with higher profit margins than if you were just to try and get more customers.

When most business grow, they try and grow by getting bigger. It’s the path of least resistance. It’s far more profitable and less work in the long run to sit down and figure out how to grow by getting more out of what you’ve got.

This is adding sophistication to your business. If you and a competitor have about the same number of customers you can get a huge advantage over them by just being able to get each customer to spend more.

It can quickly turn into market dominance. Coke is only 5% better than Pepsi but Coke is the #3 brand in the world while Pepsi is 25. So never underestimate what a slight edge means.

We lay out all the strategies for getting more out of your existing customers. We cover the two most important metrics and how they interact so that you can become the most powerful player in your market and the most profitable.

In this module we will reveal one of the few assets that EVERY business can have if they want to. It is the key to long term success.

And finally, we talk about the one critical element for faster and easier growth. Honestly, it isn’t sexy but it is really important.



Look, there are amateur newsletters and then there are professional looking newsletters. Every newsletter we produce for our clients is professionally designed. Now, we are not necessarily knocking amateur design, but we will say that there is a higher chance of a professionally designed newsletter being read, and it has a higher perceived value.

Despite what you may have heard, graphic design in the direct response world is a finely crafted science. It is the science of grabbing the reader’s attention and drawing them into your newsletter.

This is the difference between a client thinking “it’s their newsletter… again. I’ll read that later” and ripping open the envelope exclaiming “That looks interesting” and they start reading straight away.

We will go through all of our strategies, tips and tricks in order to maximise readership of your newsletter in this module.

Here we show you how to use your second free bonus (which is a newsletter template). We will work up a design and show you how to make your newsletter look like it is professionally designed.

It adds prestige and also helps increase readership. And as we say repeatedly around here to clients and prospective clients alike, without readership you are toast.



All the strategy in the world doesn’t make you a cent until you implement it. Content is how you achieve your newsletters and business’ strategic objectives. If you want a newsletter to make you money then you better know how to write to sell without turning your newsletter into a sales pitch.

There is a fine line to tread between content and selling. Don’t go far enough and you may not get the immediate return on your newsletter. Go too far and your readers will see your newsletter as just another solicitation and throw it out and never read another issue again.

Thankfully, we have shown that we know how to do this successfully for our clients.

There are writers, there are copywriters and then there are skilled copywriters. The sophistication of your newsletter content is vital. It may look like a friendly letter but there are hidden and embedded messages in there to help make your customers more loyal to you, buy the products you suggest and make them think that you are providing impartial information rather than a canned sales pitch.

Selling is a multi-layered art form. At its most powerful it is not seen as selling but as education and entertainment. Unfortunately, when most people think of selling, the first thing that springs to mind is the used car salesmen who will try and ‘crunch’ you into that old bomb.

What we will do is reveal our content strategy for newsletters – the one that our best performing clients all use. We explain why each component is in there and we also explain how to create them for maximum effect.

Then finally, we will explain how to use one of your ‘free bonuses’ (they are outlined below) to slash the time it takes you to prepare each month’s newsletter! While at the same virtually guaranteeing you will keep your clients engaged and reading. It’s that important.



The problem for most marketers and business owners is that they go, “Yeah! Newsletter! What a great idea.”

They do two issues. Then they get busy with something else like perhaps they lose a couple of days with client meetings, or perhaps there is an admin issue. A botched client order or something. Then they run out of time and they miss a newsletter one month.

Next problem, they are behind and they have to get two out. Then because of the panic of getting two out in 4 weeks they get even further behind.

Then the next thing you know it’s been 4 months and nothing has happened. We regularly get clients coming on board who say;

Look we were doing a newsletter and getting fantastic results out of it. But we haven’t done one in over a year now. That has been a really expensive mistake. Can we get you guys to take over doing our newsletter?’

The other really common theme we see with clients who get us to produce newsletters is they know they couldn’t get it out themselves, so rather than go it alone, they just outsource it to us.

This is the first time we will reveal how to do this and how simple and easy it is for you to copy.

You may say, ‘do we really need to do one every month?’ and our answer to that is “Which months don’t you want additional sales and referrals? Which months don’t you want your loyal customers coming back? Which months do you want to neglect the most important asset in your business?”

Honestly, we show you how to make it simple and easy to get your newsletter out on time and 100% right so that you are growing your business each and every month.

This is actually the most important factor in newsletter success.

During module 4 we describe all the moving parts you need to manage in order to get your newsletter printed and fulfilled each month.

An average newsletter done to a deadline will outperform a brilliant newsletter that is late, irregular and is skipped once in a while. An average newsletter done monthly will out-perform brilliant bi-monthly and quarterly newsletters.

If you want maximum results you need to be on time every month! Non-negotiable. And we reveal how we have done it for ourselves and also our clients from day 1 in this business.

That’s not all – We include everything else you’ll need to make this really easy for you.


We will give you a ‘fill in the blanks’ newsletter template in MS word and publisher (other formats on request).

Rather than going to all of the effort of inventing your own template, we will give you the skeleton of our newsletters that work and then show you how to create your own master newsletter during the design module.

That way you are ready to go and get your first newsletter ready for print. No hassle, no fuss. And then it’s an asset for life that you can use month after month after month.

As part of preparing the training we’ve also put together a series of ‘how to drive your templates’ videos.

We’ll take you by the hand and show you how you can customize this template so that it is your own, totally unique to your business and it will look like it has been created by a professional graphic designer just for your business.


Our patented Article Ideas Generator – so that you’ll have plenty of ideas for content. Far more than you’ll ever need. It’s better to have too many ideas than not enough. Sample Article demonstrating how to sell in your newsletter WITHOUT putting your prospects off.

The ‘works every time outline’ and research questions you need to create case studies that sell your products and services. Is what it says it is – the same research questions Zac uses to create case studies for his copywriting and consulting clients which he charges a minimum of $1200 to write. Along with Actual Case Studies that have been featured in our newsletter for you to model your case studies on.

Our report: ‘How To Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates In Your Newsletters’ A resource for the different types of Free Standing Inserts you can use in your newsletters and anywhere else you can send ‘ride-along advertising’ to maximize lead flow and revenue.

A Complimentary Subscription To Our ‘Addictive Newsletter Content That Your Customers Will Love To Read’ Service.

As we mentioned in the writing section, this will slash the time it takes you to prepare your newsletter. Here is how we do it. Every month we prepare a content and image bank for our customers to use. So the first working day of every month, all the content you need to fill many newsletters will be made available for download.

All the content is for the Australian market. You can get this sort of stuff for overseas markets. But it’s all American. Sorry, we live in Australia – we don’t need to know when and why George Washington crossed the Delaware. Or when Alexander Hamilton was President of Groupon. And stuff like that.

There are up to 16 different categories of content that you can use in your newsletter and anywhere else in your business that you may find useful. It can fill e-zines, blogs, and social media – anywhere that you might need content.

Each month you’ll be getting up to 20 pages of content so you can pick and choose what you think will be most useful each month.

Regardless of your market being businesses or consumer, super relaxed or ultra-professional there is content in each month’s addictive newsletter content that will suit your customers – and enough of it to keep your customers engaged.

This is the fastest way to:

  1. A) fill your newsletter (just cut and paste and your page is filled)
    B) keep your newsletter interesting and not too focused on your business.

As long as you are enrolled in this program, you are entitled to ask us ‘anything newsletter’ support. If you have a question, get in touch with us (via email or fax) and we will either call you or email you back within 2 business days with an answer (depending on the best way to explain it).

Depending on which product level you choose you’ll get a complimentary of a certain number of issues of addictive newsletter content (1,2, or 3 issues), once that trial period up is we will bill your credit card for $99 per month inc GST (until you ask us to stop and we will refund your previous purchase) so your newsletter production is NEVER disrupted.

While you are using our Addictive Newsletter Content you’ll get access to preferred newsletter print and fulfillment pricing.

Just ask us for a quote and we will quote your newsletter job for you at our newsletter client preferred rates (which are generally about 10% less than what we would charge a client for a once off mailing – we know you are making an on-going investment in your customers and we want you to get the best ROI possible)!

Think of this way – if you are planning on mailing more than 323 newsletters this will pay for your subscription to our ‘Addictive Newsletter Content.’

We honestly believe that this information could put tens of thousands of dollars in your bank account if you have a solid business already.

Three Different Levels: One Will Match Your Situation

Platinum Version: This is the designed for the business owner serious about growing their existing customer values’ now. You get C.D. recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newsletter Marketing Blueprint, along with print outs of the slides and the following reports:

  • Article Ideas Generator,
  • ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’
  • How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters
  • Newsletter Master Template that we customize into your master newsletter template (and then fill it in for your first issue for you) for you after we do our 1 hour maximize your success session together so that you can quickly and easily put together your first newsletter and are ready to start work on your second.

It also includes a 90 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content – each month 20+ pages of content that your customers will love to read provided copyright free for use in your newsletter along with anywhere else you might care to use it including social media. It also allows on-going ask us anything ‘newsletter’ support and preferential pricing on our Newsletter Print & Fulfillment services.

Gold Version: This program is for business owners who want to succeed but doesn’t necessarily need help to get it tomorrow. You get C.D. recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newsletter Marketing Blueprint, along with print outs of the slides and the following reports:

  • Article Ideas Generator,
  • ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’
  • How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters
  • Newsletter Master Template that you can session together so that you can quickly and easily put together your first newsletter and are ready to start work on your second.
  • A 30 minute maximize your success session

It also includes a 60 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content .

Silver Version: This is for the people really just want to do it themselves. You get downloads of the recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newsletter Marketing Blueprint and digital downloads of the slides and the following downloads:

  • Article Ideas Generator,
  • ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’
  • How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters
  • Newsletter Master Template that you can session together so that you can quickly and easily put together your first newsletter and are ready to start work on your second.

It also includes a 30 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content..



Get Started Fastest AND Right


‘Get me started right but I don’t need to be doing this tomorrow’


‘Gimme the tools and I’ll do it myself’

Digital Recordings Of 4 Modules. Along with downloads of the slides



C.D.s Of 4 Modules.


Y Y  

Downloads of Article Ideas Generator, ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’ and How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters



Your Very Own Master Newsletter Template Custom designed and creation of your first newsletter for you!



Master Newsletter Template ready for you to customize for your business

($440 )

  Y Y

60 Minute Maximise Your Success Session

$660 Value (Redeem it after you have )


30 Minute Maximise Your Success Session

$330 Value


90 Days Free Use of Addictive Newsletter Content

($297 Value)


60 Days Free Use of Addictive Newsletter Content

($198 Value)


30 Days Free Use of Addictive Newsletter Content

($99 Value)

Total Value $2,559 (But getting it done right and fast is actually priceless) $1,908 $945
You Pay $1199 $397 $297
Easy Monthly Payments 4 easy payments of $329.00 includes a $117. finance charge 3 Payments of $146.00 includes $41 finance charge 2 Payments of $164.00, includes a $31 finance charge
SalesLetterPageDIY-20 SalesLetterPageDIY-20 SalesLetterPageDIY-20


Get Started Fastest AND Right


‘Get me started right but I don’t need to be doing this tomorrow’


‘Gimme the tools and I’ll do it myself’







Before we go on just to clear something up:

If you buy either the Platinum or Gold version will get a ‘Maximise Your Success Session.’ In our time together we take you through our get-started process; Covering agenda items including:.

  • Answering Your Questions
  • Measuring Success/Tracking.
  • Who to send my newsletter to?
  • Talking about Personal interest topics
  • Industry article topics
  • Advice For Following the system in your specific case
  • Naming Ideas
  • Visual Identity

This call can be the difference between success and failure. So be sure that if you have one you use it after you’ve listen to the 4 modules. It will help guide you through the difficult process of starting a newsletter.


Seriously, what would those extra referrals mean to you? What would customers ordering larger amounts from you more often and still staying for longer mean to you? What would faster uptake of new and additional products and services mean to you?

What about your business?

We all want to grow our business – you wouldn’t be here, now, on this page if you didn’t – I’m not holding a gun to your head forcing you to be here. The question we are asking is; do you want to grow your business the hard way?

Grinding to get new customers in the door all the time… Always hunting to get new customers – never really harvesting everything on offer? Why beg for scraps from the table when you could be having your own feast?

It’s time to take the road less travelled in order to grow your business. Even if your competition figure out what you are doing it’s unlikely they are ever going to copy you and let alone get the results.

Order Platinum $1199: This is the designed for the serious about growing their existing customers values now. You get C.D. recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newlsetter Marketing Blueprint, along with print outs of the slides and your reports of Article Ideas Generator, ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’ How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters, Newsletter Master Template, a 1 hour maximize your success session and a 90 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content

($2559 value for just $1199)SalesLetterPageDIY-20

Order Gold $397: Who wants to succeed but doesn’t necessarily need it tomorrow. You get C.D. recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newsletter Marketing Blueprint, along with print outs of the slides, along with your printed versions of our Article Ideas Generator, ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’ How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters Newsletter Master Template, a 30 minute maximize your success session, a 60 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content .

($1908 value for $397)SalesLetterPageDIY-20

Order Silver $297: This is for the people who really just want to do it themselves. You get downloads of the recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newsletter Marketing Blueprint and digital downloads of the slides, ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’ How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters Newsletter Master Template a 30 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content..

($945 for just $297)SalesLetterPageDIY-20

You’ll be in a game unto yourself. We look forward to helping you grow your business.


Ben & Zac




P.S. If you really want to grow your business you can do it the hard way or the easy way – you can choose to put more meat through the grinder or you can work smarter and get more out of your existing customers, referrals, getting your customers to buy more from you. The choice is yours -take the smart path.

P.P.S. To date we’ve mailed over 100,000 newsletters for our clients in over 16 different industries. You don’t get that kind of success for your clients by accident. We keep those customers because we make them more money than they spend with us. This is your chance to capitalise on our experience for yourself.


Order Platinum $1199: This is the designed for the serious about growing their existing customers values now. You get C.D. recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newlsetter Marketing Blueprint, withp rint out s of the slides. You’ll also get your reports of Article Ideas Generator, ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’ How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters, Newsletter Master Template, a 1 hour maximize your success session and a 90 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content

($2559 value for just $1199)SalesLetterPageDIY-20

Order Gold $397: Who wants to succeed but doesn’t necessarily need it tomorrow. You get C.D. recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newsletter Marketing Blueprint, along with print outs of the slides, along with copy of our Article Ideas Generator, ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’ How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters Newsletter Master Template, a 30 minute maximize your success session, a 60 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content .

($1908 value for $397)SalesLetterPageDIY-20

Order Silver $297: This is for the people who really just want to do it themselves. You get downloads of the recordings of the 4 modules of the Definitive Newsletter Marketing Blueprint and digital downloads of the slides, Article Ideas Generator, ‘Works Every time case study research guide and outline’ How to Use Free Standing Inserts To Boost Response Rates To Your Newsletters Newsletter Master Template a 30 day complimentary subscription to our addictive newsletter content..

($945 value for just $297)SalesLetterPageDIY-20


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