Dating & Marketing have More in Common Than You’d Think.

dating-and-marketing-they-have-much-more-in-common-than-youd-thinkI was listening to some interesting recordings from a speaker in the ‘seduction’ industry by the name of David DeAngelo (aka Marketing Expert Eben Pagan).

The material I was listening to was all about how a man can present himself in a certain way in order to create attraction and get a womans phone number or set a date with them or get into a sexual encounter or a dating relationship.

What I noticed was that there were a lot of similarities between presenting your business to attract a client as there were presenting a man to attract a woman. In particular:

  • Being unique, interesting and different
  • Expressing confidence in yourself / your product / your business
  • Not coming across as needy
  • Being true to yourself and having clear ideas of what you want / don’t want. (not being a push-over and bending over to a clients/womans every need)
  • Limit your availability (urgency and scarcity)
  • Let them see other people having fun and being attracted to you (social proof, testimonials etc.)

But apart from just attraction, the thing I found really interesting was when they talked about ‘keeping’ a woman, it was all about building a relationship, entertaining them and keeping them wanting more. It reminded me a lot about the customer retention work that Zac and I have been doing lately.

Consider this story.

Peter is a young man, not looking for any serious or deep relationship, just looking for some fun with women –  his goal in particular is sexual encounters.

Now… Peter spent a fortune on clothes, shoes, teeth whitening, a fancy car and many other things to make himself feel attractive and boost his confidence. He went out every weekend for months before he got a girls number, despite his persistent efforts. After getting her number, he went on numerous dates to restaurants, fun attractions and various other activities (which he paid for) in order to ‘get to know’ this woman. Finally, after about 10 dates, she was finally ready to sleep with him… SCORE!

It took a lot of time and effort and money to attract a woman, build trust and attraction to the point where she was ready to sleep with him.

This is similar to the trials and tribulations we face as business owners: investing in marketing and advertising, polishing our sales techniques, making sure our business is presented professionally. Then we go out and prospect for clients, we then spend a lot of time, energy and money following up with them and finally at the very end we sometimes get the sale… SCORE!

But what most business owners do is what I have often heard referred to as… WHAM. BAM. THANK YOU MAAM!

They take their clients money, say thank you, then move on. Then they start all over again, they go and find a new prospect, spend all that money, time and effort again following up and advertising and hope they get another sale.

If we move back to our story about Peter. – He too could act like the typical business, have his way, say thanks for the good night, then go and start all over again trying to find a new woman.

But there is an alternative… he could call up his lady friend, ask her for a date next friday and chances are, for investing a couple of hours and the price of a meal he’d probably score again! And this sort of relationship could probably go on for months or years!

Like relationships, in Business, once you have reached that point, where a client likes and trusts you and has purchased from you before, it takes only a fraction of the time, money and effort to get them to buy from you again.  This process can be acheived simply by keeping in regular contact with your clients and making them feel appreciated.

A monthly printed customer newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with your customers and build a solid relationship with them. If you’re interested in getting a newsletter started in your business, give us a call on 1300 120 106 and we’ll have a chat about how we can help get you started.