9 Reasons That A Monthly Newsletter Is A Must For Any Business, Big or Small!

Discover how newsletters can help you transform your business into a super successful entity with hoards of ‘raving fans’?

1 – Newsletters Can Help You Keep Customers

We all know that getting someone to buy a second time costs about 1/6th the effort as getting a new customer. But where do we spend most of our marketing dollars? On getting new customers…

Why is this? Mostly it is habit. We think that we need more business, and therefore we need new customers. But we don’t need as many new customers if your existing customer base is well-nurtured and feels looked after. Existing customers generally need to repeat purchase at some point – there are very few genuine ‘one-and-done’ businesses around, so continuing to stay in touch with them between purchases means they are more likely to buy from you the next time they need your products and services.

A print newsletter is a way to keep marketing to your existing customers without them realizing they are being marketed to. You can show up in their letter box every month. You can deliver great value to them with fun, interesting relevant content making their lives a little better. You aren’t perceived as selling overtly. And you can make them an offer every month too – giving them a chance to repeat. Point-black, there is a simple formula you need to follow if you want to keep your customers. We call it the 12 to 24X formula.

2 – Customer Retention And The 12 To 24X Formula

Let’s you look at your business like a farming operation. Your aim is to work a lot like a rice farmer. You see rice paddies actually get more productive the more fertiliser and hard work you put on them. You know those small family plots in rural Japan and China — the farmers are willing to work them so hard because they know that no matter how much they put in they will be rewarded even more come harvest time.

You can achieve something similar by understanding that your customers are similar to those rice fields. The more you put into them, the more you can get out of them. The way to do it is with the 12-24X formula.

Basically, you will stay in your customers’ minds and they won’t wander off or be swept away with your competitions’ offers if you stay in touch with them 12-24 times a year. This means you need to get in touch with each customer 12-24 times a year outside of sales offers and outright/blatant pitches.

With a monthly newsletter, you get the bare minimum 12 touches and then you can look to add season greetings, such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Anniversaries of conducting business, whatever is right for your customers.

But that monthly customer newsletter is the bedrock of the 12-24X formula. Of course you could take it to a whole new level using the internet, by sending out a touch every week or every day. It is entirely up to you. Before we get carried away with ourselves, start with the basics: a monthly print newsletter in their mailbox every month.

3 – Get New Customers

Newsletters have great pass-along value. More so than any other sort of marketing materials. They even seem to do better than education materials, such as case studies and reports or white papers. If an article in a newsletter is relevant, the recipient will pass it along to other people for the sake of keeping them in the loop.

So, say you sell shoes, and your newsletter has an article about how to know which shoes stay comfortable the longest, then one of your customers is probably going to pass it along to other people they know if they mention that their shoes are making their feet hurt… And odds are, they will tell that person:

A) they are a customer of yours, and

B) will point out to the prospect exactly what they should be reading…

Ta-dah. Referral.

How good is that?

How does that compare to other ways to get referrals? Most of them are a little less subtle.

Things like posters on the wall for choice of gifts with referral… Sending out referral solicitations…. Share with friends links in emails… Asking for referrals to the client’s face. None of them are as natural as passing along your newsletter and honestly telling the another person that they should be doing business with you.

Probably the best company in the world at getting referrals is Disney, and they work really hard at it. Their mission is to make your experience at Disney Land so magical that you can’t help but go home and tell seven people about it. That is a lot of work. It is also outside the budget of most of us mere mortals. A customer newsletter is very cheap by comparison, and it can be made to stealthily obligate customers into referring without them evening knowing it.

4 – Make Yourself The Credible Expert

Who publishes newsletters?

That’s right, experts.

So if you want to be seen as the expert in your market, then what should you do?

That’s right, publish a newsletter. Experts know more than other ‘vendors’ and by logical extension, more competent. However, in many cases they know as much as their competition. They just do a better job of explaining their expertise by giving out useful advice in their newsletters.

It is no secret that ‘gurus’ and ‘experts’ get paid more than their competition and that everyone wants to do business with the best in that particular market. So if you want to be been seen as the vendor of choice and be able to charge more for your products and services with less price resistance, then you need to publish a newsletter.

5 – Stand Out From The Crowd For A Few Bucks A Month.

How many of your competitors do a printed customer newsletter? Zero? Did I hear that correctly, none of them?

So you can stand out in a crowded market place by increasing the chances of your customers repeating and referring their friends, family and colleagues to your business just by printing and mailing a monthly customer newsletter.

That is a massive competitive edge and when your competitors figure out what you have done, they will try to copy you, but by then your newsletter will be on autopilot and you will be implementing more cutting-edge marketing strategies to increase the amount of business you are doing. All the while your competition is trying to catch up with their newsletter.

6 – Make You More Than Just Another Vendor

How do most business owners treat their customers? We have already discussed this a bit. They treat them like prey. To be hunted down and a few dollars extracted from their pockets. As you know this is a very short term way of thinking.

You should be in the business to make a sale to get a customer, not get a customer to make a sale. If you want to be getting customers and selling to them over and over again, then you need to build a relationship with them and you need to be more than the competition in the eyes of your customers and market.

The easiest differentiator you can implement is a monthly customer newsletter. It does more to make you appear to be more than another vendor in your market, than any other marketing tactic you can employ.

7 – Newsletters Have A Long ‘Shelf Life.’

In general, people are going to hold on to newsletters the longest out of any form of marketing. People keep newsletters until they have read them and may even save an article they like for later. Most other forms of marketing will be put in the ‘round file’ and promptly forgotten about the moment it is received or immediately after it is read.

Finally because they show up, bring fun, good cheer and useful information, newsletters are often passed along from one person to other people who might be interested in what you have to say. This means you get free marketing.

8 – Shows You Are Willing To Invest In Your Customers

What’s the difference between an eBirthday card and a Birthday card. One shows you care more than the other. The birthday card shows you got dressed and then went to the shops, browsed through the endless isles of cards, found one that was just right for the birthday boy or girl. Then you wrote them a personalised message and put their address and a stamp on the envelope and mailed it to them.

The eBirthday card shows you went to your computer (probably in your pyjamas) Googled ‘electronic birthday card’ and emailed them all without leaving your house and quite possibly your bedroom.

Which one is more highly prized by the birthday boy or girl? The real birthday card? It will sit on display for weeks or possibly months while the eBirthday card will be opened, read and left in the inbox where nobody will ever see it or it is deleted.

Which do you want? A newsletter that is read once and left in the inbox or something that is out on display for days, weeks or months for others to discover, look at and read?

Your newsletter is the same. Sending a ‘real newsletter’ shows that you are willing not only to write and design something to send your customers, you are willing to get it printed, put it in an envelope, write their address on it and mail it to them.

A world of difference in the perceived level of effort. Then your customers get the joy of opening the present in the mail every month. Even though they are expecting it, they still get excited when your newsletter arrives, every month.

Also, because it shows up in the mail every month, you can be sure that it is seen like their subscription to a magazine, a welcome guest that they are looking forward to.

9 – People Are Less Resistant To Reading Newsletters

People will read marketing materials with all their sales defences on. Conversely, your newsletter is seen as information. Not advertising. So they read it with their defences down. So all you have to do is leave your blatant selling out of your newsletter and educate the reader about your area of expertise a little at a time and you will be able to sell to your prospects without selling to them.

It can take a while for this sort of marketing to build up to the point where your customers will actually spend money with you again. Unfortunately you can’t predict when. When they do it is a sum of all the efforts you’ve made to keep in touch that has done it, not just the last newsletter.

To keep them reading your newsletter, it has to bring good cheer, be fun to read and provide them with some useful information, (nobody is as interested in your field as you are). They will keep reading with their sales defences down and they will be subtly brought round to see you as the expert, the ‘go-to-guy’ in your field and they will bring their business to you and refer their friends, family and colleagues to you.

Need More Information About Newsletters?

If you have read the above information and are still unclear if a newsletter would suit your business and would like some advice and guidance, then please request our Newsletter Suitability Assessment by clicking here or calling 1300 120 106.

3 Simple Words To Grow Your Business:

What Else Do You Need To Get Customers To Buy?

Sales is a baffling art to most people. And it should be – everyone on the planet is more complex than they get credit for. Getting face-to-face with a qualified prospect is a challenge. Getting a person sufficiently motivated to give you money is incredibly difficult.

Customers need to be given credit – they are continually evolving. What used to work no longer works and needs to be reinvented.

Anyway, before you can even begin sell your wares there are three questions your prospect will ask themselves. Ignore them before you’ll ever be success at selling and by extension marketing. Here are the three questions:

How Well Do I Know You? – Your prospect asks themself this about any seller. It is their way of gauging how trustworthy you are.

If they feel they know you really well they will be easier to sell to them than if they don’t know you from a bar of soap. This is why many guru’s go to great lengths to be in the media – media breeds familiarity. Do you reckon David Koch has too much trouble getting business owners to follow his business advice?

No. Cos they see him on TV all the time – he is well known to his audience.

Do I like You?

At the same time your potential customers wonder about how well they know you. They are also deciding if they like you. This happens really quickly – first impressions matter. (As a few of us no doubt remember from our days doing direct sales.) Even if it was to get a date – you were still being judged based on first impressions.

The same thing happens when you send a direct mail piece – first impression of the piece and what you say, either will help you or hinder you.

Obviously it is much easier to sell to someone who already likes you.

Can I trust you?

These are less than trusting times. The late Stephen Covey (7 Habits Of Highly Effective People) spent a great deal of his later years looking at the effect trust on business relationships. Covey devised his own ways to measure trust.

When he found that trust was high – the speed and ease of doing business was much higher than if trust is low.

Trust is also a barrier to getting the first sale in the door. So be sure to do everything you can to engender trust before you ever ask for the order – and don’t do anything to jeopardise trust because it is hard to get back once it is lost.

I can tell you from experience that when a client knows, likes and trusts you – there is a much better client relationship to be had.

Using Personality in Your Copy

personality-in-your-copyOne of the most effective ways to make your marketing sizzle, and to make real connections with your customers and clients, is to add your personality. The fact is, customers prefer to do business with people whom they know and like – not nameless and faceless corporations.

Personality works. It will multiply your sales. What is personality? I think it is best described as humanizing your marketing – taking away the sterile corporate approach. Consider the all-too-common approach to many sales letters:

“It has come to our attention that your account is now blah, blah, blah.” You can imagine how fast that letter will hit the circular file! Now try this next sample on for size, and see if you just might hold the attention of the reader for a little while longer. “I was just sitting at my desk writing my next column and my secretary came running in, waving an invoice. She told me that it is highly unusual for …” Get the idea?!

If you would like to add some personality to your marketing, here are four things that you can do to help make you a better writer.

  1. Read as much as you can. You should find time to read every day, even if it is for 10 minutes before turning in!  Read everything from sales letters to e-zines, newsletters, books, ad copy, direct mail, etc. The more you read, the more you’ll learn different ways to express yourself in writing.
  2. Write more. There is just no way to get around it – to become a better writer, you have to write – and often! As with most things, the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it. You might want to consider starting a blog, which will force you to write at least two to three times a week in a way that, while important, is not as critical as a sales letter.
  3. Read out loud. It’s amazing how different your own writing sounds when you read it aloud instead of reading it silently. This is a great way to find your actual “voice,” which you then can transfer to writing.
  4. Mirror your favorite writers. Not only is imitation the sincerest form of flattery, it is a smart way to learn how to become a better writer. In the Glazer-Kennedy world this is known as S&D.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, personality works! I was recently hired to help write a client newsletter in which our strategy was to deliver something very different from the typical corporate brochure. We wrote the copy in the voice of an older woman who was a long-term employee of the company (which in this case was actually true!).

When the first issue was mailed, the reaction was phenomenal. The company received well over 100 e-mails praising the newsletter, saying that it was a breath of fresh air and fun to read, and that they looked forward to the next issue. Being in the newsletter business, I can tell you that that is not a typical reaction – personality sells! Even if you incorporate only a few of these tips, you should start to see a shift in your own writing. Before you know it, your personality will start shining through, and with it, you’ll start to see more clients, more sales, and more profits.

Preparing For The Inevitable – The Day where you sell your business

At some point you are probably going to sell your business. There is no shame in it, we are too. Whether we acknowledge it openly or not the smartest people in the room see owning their own business as a vehicle to create wealth, so that we can have the lifestyle we want both now and when we are finished working.

The vast majority of business owners however see their business (wrongly I might add) as a way of owning their own job- simply content to get by. They invariably coast by their entire business life and then when they feel like retiring sell their business and leave lots of money on the table.

Most business owners sell up for some variation of their gross profits, what is on their balance sheet and some good will. Far less than what their business is actually worth to the buyer.

Most of us have an ‘Enough is Enough Number.’ We know once we have so many dollars that we are set for life and can stop working. Some of us plan on keeping on working past that but the vast majority of us are in business to fast track the accumulation of enough wealth so that we can do something like sit on the beach and drink margaritas.

And being paid multiples of earnings for your business makes that dream of reaching our ‘Enough is Enough Number’ and sitting on the beach that much easier.

When you are looking to sell, the sustainability of your business is important to any business buyer. That is how predictable is the business’s revenue month-on-month or year-on-year?

A strong relationship with your customers increases the predictability of your revenue it also increases the amount of revenue and also profits. Having defined relationship building systems means that there is less risk in the variability of future revenue.

These systems mean that your business can be sold for multiples of its annual income or book value simply because you can prove the predictability of the revenue – the buyer is no longer buying a business. They are buying systems that produce an annual income – effectively an unfranchised franchise.

All of this needs to be thought about long before you ever think about taking your ‘chips off the table.’ The late Steven Covey first habit of highly effective people was ‘begin with the end in mind.’ So the sooner you structure your business in way that you can make desirable to a buyer the longer the track record you have to prove that your systems work and also it means that you have far less headaches to deal with in the mean time.

In fact if you have retention and relationship building systems in place you’ll have much higher profits that you can use for all sorts of other things like getting even more customers. So that you can sell your business for even more when the time comes.

What’s The Story Morning Glory? 3 Steps to telling the story behind your business

With your newsletter you can create the kind of “sitting under the veranda in the extreme heat of summer, cold drinks in hands and a captive audience” type of vibe.

What do you do in that situation in real life? Don’t know ‘bout you but I’d tell stories.

Now using stories in sales and marketing takes some skill but it is a skill well worth investing in to learn. It puts your business in context. Think about the story behind Rich Dad Poor Dad – Kiyosaki is dispensing some very rudimentary financial advice. You can find better advice in umpteen books with better advice before and after Robert.

But only Kiyosaki has sold the publishing rights for his financial advice for $100 million and change.


The story behind it.

Without that story of having two dads Kiyosaki is just one of dozens if not hundreds of financial advice authors who are out to make money by telling you how to manage your money. See how you need to come up with the story. That story means you are just another sales person pitching product. Here is my guide to creating that story:

Step 1: A Reason You Are In Business That Isn’t to Make Money.

You need to tell your audience why you are in business and it had better have nothing to do with making money. Although the reality is that you are in business to make money your customers are uncomfortable with you if that is the only reason. Don’t shoot the messenger here.

Take Dexter Morgan of TV and book series (Dexter) fame. His origin story means that instead of being the bad guy as he could be in so many crime novels he is in fact a brooding, charming, charismatic anti-hero loved by many all because of his origin story (and not just a sociopath with a really disgusting hobby). That story frames why you are in business in way that makes you emotionally appealing to your customers –  not just a salesman.

Step 2: Keep referencing it.

You need to keep telling your story behind your product because it is more interesting than the ‘feeds and speeds.’ It is a form of differentiation from your competitors. The second reason is because quite simply the more times you tell it the more chances you give your audience to bond with you over your competitors.

Step 3: Be able to tell it multiple ways

Since everybody eventually gets sick of being told the same damn thing over and over again you’ll need to be able to tell your story in different ways in different lengths in order to bring forward different benefits and reasons they should do business with you.

There you go my complete guide to telling to the story behind you and your business. Have fun developing yours.

The Science Of Newsletter Content Part 3: Be A Bearer of Good News.

be-a-bearer-of-good-newsBad news is everywhere these days. For most of us, our customers will come home at the end of the day exhausted, put on the TV and watch the news. And I don’t know if you have sat down and watched the news of late but it is depressing. The economy is failing, our soldiers are dying, and our sports teams are losing and pensioners can’t afford to both eat and pay for electricity…

It goes on. In 1992 Bill Hicks did a similar piece about 24 hour news channels in Relentless his stand up comedy show at Montreal Comedy Festival. The news has probably gotten worse since then.

There are plenty of places your clients can go to get depressed. They don’t need you for that, in fact you can’t hold a torch to most of them. You can and should be the beacon of good news.

There are plenty of good things going on in your world that are worth sharing aren’t there? Yeah, I bet there are. Nobody other than you is going to be able to tell them about all the good things that are happening right.

Good news makes you a point of difference. Not too many other people are out there talking about good news are they?

In his book “Make Them Laugh and Take Their Money,” Dan Kennedy made the point that an audience in good humour buys more and buys more willingly than an audience that is not in good humour. Although he was talking about that in the context of making a speech he goes on to qualify this rule applies in every selling situation, be it one-on-one, in print or selling from the stage.

Good news and being in good humour make you more attractive to your customers hence more sales.

I will caution you. Don’t lie to your customers. If there is bad news out there that they need to know then you should pass it on. But also be the first to point out the opportunity or the positive spin to borrow from our bad news bearing friends.

For example if you use a headline like: The World Is Going To End Next Tuesday… (Creating new opportunities for you). Lots of places your customers can go to find out about the world ending. There are not too many people would take the extra step to point out the new opportunities (good news) they usually only bother to share the bad news.

There are lots of places your customers can go to be depressed. Do yourself a favour. Don’t be another one of those places. Differentiate yourself by being a bearer of good news.

As part of our service for our clients we provide content that is designed to make your customers happy and to look forward to receiving your newsletter. It automatically makes you and your business more attractive to your customers, making them more likely to want to buy from you again. To find out if you can effectively boost your repeat business and referrals with a newsletter register for a newsletter suitability audit by calling 1300 006 120 or going to www.newslettermarketingsystems.com.au/get-started

The Most Important Ingredient of a Successful Customer Newsletter

the-most-important-ingredientConsistency trumps everything else. Great company newsletters show up like clockwork. You can count on them reaching your customers every month with solid information, helpful tips, and good ideas. Consistency far outweighs the size of a newsletter, whether it’s color or black and white, or even the quality of the content.

A common mistake that many newsletter writers make is the failure to be consistent. If you aren’t consistent with your newsletter, it doesn’t matter what content it contains. It becomes junk mail—just another pest—that your customers receive every once in a while.

You simply must have frequency and consistency to build trust and relationships. That trust and those relationships turn into business success and a long-term competitive edge.

Consider it in these terms. Magazines and other publications arrive monthly on schedule. Junk mail in all of its various forms arrives sporadically. In what category do you want your newsletter to be perceived?

I strongly recommend monthly newsletters because when they are produced monthly on a regular schedule, they have a higher perceived value. They build a stronger bond and brand with your customers, and your customers begin to look forward to them. If you publish less often, you lose that important top-of-mind position. If you publish more often, there will be customers who think you’re bombarding them with marketing messages.

It’s also vital that you publish your newsletter every month. That way you develop habits and get into the rhythm of production. You and your contributors will know when copy and pictures should be done, so you’ll all be on the lookout for good information and pictures. You’ll know when the newsletter will be mailed. Your salespeople will know when the next issue will be available.

That will also set up expectations for your customers. Your customers will get used to hearing from you at the same time every month. They’ll look forward to the fun, interesting, and readable content of your newsletter.

You’ll find that the regular schedule will aid your other marketing efforts too. If you’ve got a special sales promotion planned, for example, you can alert people in the newsletter for two months prior. Then, when it’s promotion time, your promotional efforts will have the way paved for them by your newsletter articles. Your salespeople can hand out newsletters as promotion flyers.

Consistency is the most important characteristic of great company newsletters. Mail them the same time every month. Send your newsletter every month and you’ll build better relationships, improve customer retention, and draw more new customers.

Newsletter Marketing Systems Guarantees that your newsletter arrives at the same time each and every month, and we have all the systems in place to ensure it happens, If you’d like to find out more about our newsletter service, register for a newsletter suitability audit by calling 1300 006 120 or going to www.newslettermarketingsystems.com.au/get-started

The Three Main Referral Types

the-three-main-referral-typesReferrals are an important part of every business. In fact, most small businesses are built on referrals alone. Referred prospects are much more likely to do business with you because you have been recommended, they have a much higher initial trust with you and they have seen that you can deliver what you promise.

Many business owners believe that the only way to get a referral is to WOW the customer with great service and they will tell their friends. While this gets you referrals, it is not the only way to get them. I’ve discovered three main types of referrals. There are a few others, but these are the main three ways that referrals occur.

Customer Tells A Friend or Colleague  – This type of referral usually happens because you WOW a customer and they are happy with your services. These referrals are the most genuine, there is often no reward and they are referring purely because they believe their friend or associate can benefit by contacting you. These people are MUCH more likely to convert into a paying customer than a cold prospect. The downside to these referrals is that you have no direct control over them, if someone tells a friend about your business, you can’t follow up, you can’t market to them or build a relationship etc.

Customer Tells You About A Prospect – This type of referral is often used by businesses who have a strong sales team. This method generally involves giving your clients an incentive to refer people to you. Usually you’d ask something like “If you know anyone who might be interested, give us their details and we’ll contact them on your behalf and if anyone goes ahead, you’ll be rewarded with x.” – These referred prospects are more likely to convert than cold prospecting because by mentioning their friend, you’re much more welcome when you make the first contact. It is a lot more work than the first referral method because YOU actually need to put in the hard work. The other benefit is that you have their details, you can follow up, market to them and you have control of the referral.

 Customer Tells a Friend AND Tells You – This is the ultimate referral. It combines the above two referral types. They tell their friend all about you and then tell you that they referred them and give you their details to follow up. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard clients say “I referred a few people to you over the last few months, did any of them contact you?” In many instances the answer is ‘no’. If those customers told me immediately when they referred the person and gave me a phone number or email I can quickly flick an email or make a quick phone call to say “so and so mentioned you were looking for x, is there any advice or help I can give you?” – once again I’m in control of the situation and can follow up.

Referrals can be induced, it always pays to WOW your customers in every way you can, but if you want to put referrals on overdrive, build a relationship with them, train them to refer and implement a formalised referral incentive system where your customer AND the referral get rewarded.

A monthly printed customer newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with your customers and build a solid relationship with them. which is the foundation of referrals. If you’re interested in getting a newsletter started in your business, give us a call: 1300 120 106 and we’ll have a chat to see if we can help you.

The Science Of Newsletter Content: Part 1

science-of-newslettersWhy On Earth Would I want to talk to someone about things other than ‘work?’

Ben and I both get asked variants of this question a lot.

Here is the best answer we both give when we don’t want to delve into a big, long speech about it. “Because nobody is as interested in your ‘thing’ as you are.”

It is a true. They aren’t but there is a secret even deeper than that.


When someone isn’t in buying mode then it doesn’t matter how hard you sell, they aren’t going to buy. So beating them over the head with how great your product is and why they need what you have, isn’t going to get them to buy. In fact, it is going to reduce their willingness to read/listen/watch what you send them because they don’t want to be beaten over the head with “buy now, buy now, buy now.”

Keep this up long enough and eventually your customers will stop reading, listening and watching what you send them because they are ‘over it.’ “Here comes another pitch from…” Into the big round file with that. (Okay, so some rubbish bins are square but I hope you take my point).

Once they stop reading your newsletter you have no chance to sell to them…

By including information in your newsletters not about work, you can demonstrate that you have interest in them outside of selling to them. They are not cash machines waiting to buy from you. You are in fact a fun and interesting person who can help them outside of work. You are well read, knowledgeable and interested in making their lives better in as many ways as possible. All good reasons to keep reading your newsletter.

Knowing that they will be entertained and find useful information, increases the chances that they will keep reading your newsletter. And therefore buy something when they are ready to buy again.

Think about the repurchase times of some items. Dinner at a restaurant. That might be weekly or maybe up to every 8 weeks or more. Buying a house happens every 5-7 years on average. How much of those times do you think a customer is actually thinking about buying? Dinner at a restaurant may be thought about at most, a week in advance if they plan their meals weekly. Which means they are not really a buyer for the other 7 weeks.

At the other end of the spectrum people don’t actively think about buying a new house most of the time. Something happens to induce them to move at the tail end of that time frame. Do you think it matters what you send them in the mean time?

This is why you need interests outside of work to bond over. It builds ongoing readership and maintains readership when your customers aren’t necessarily in buying mode.

Stay tuned for part 2 next month.

Science Of Newsletter Content Part 2: Seeding Sales.

seeding-salesAfter reading part one of the science of newsletter content, you’ll understand why we have general interest content in newsletters. To build and maintain readership. The next challenge is to covert this readership into more sales.

There are three direct avenues to achieving more sales from our newsletters.

  • Ongoing Repeat Purchases
  • Cross Selling other products you have
  • Referring New Customers to you

All of these can be achieved by seeding sales into your newsletter. What I mean, is patient farming of your clients. Seeding little ideas that germinate, take root and flourish over time. Good relationships take time to build.

There are two really powerful strategies for doing this. First talking about your clients and their success stories. What challenges they were facing and how your products helped them overcome their problem. What results they got.

This gives you third party credibility – far more powerful than you saying it directly. And it clearly demonstrates you are delivering on what you say you are doing.

If you don’t have a client you can do a feature story on, then you can use advertorials to seed sales. In a newsletter you are best to focus on one problem and agitate it, then for the solution – use a call to action. And repeat with new problem or a different slant on the same problem next time.

This gives you plenty of room to create need. And if your clients read multiple advertorials coupled with client success stories then the desire for your products and services will build up over time.

Who is more patient? You or Your Customer?

With newsletters that is the only question. Who has more patience? Eventually your clients desire will build up to the point where they purchase refer or otherwise take action. It is that simple.

In under 12 months of being formally in business and publishing our own newsletter from day one, I can tell you it doesn’t take long.

Simply getting our own newsletter month-in, month-out has converted a couple of fence sitters into clients. The steady drip feeding from the newsletter will work to get your customers in the door and back in the door and it will remind them that you are there and they can refer people to you.

Newsletter Marketing Offers Article Writing for your newsletters, these same articles can be repurposed in multiple ways including onto your blog, into emails To arrange for Newsletter Marketing Systems to create content specifically for your business either call 1300 006 120 or email info@newslettermarketing.com.au for a no cost no obligation discussion about planning your articles content,