Science Of Newsletter Content Part 2: Seeding Sales.

seeding-salesAfter reading part one of the science of newsletter content, you’ll understand why we have general interest content in newsletters. To build and maintain readership. The next challenge is to covert this readership into more sales.

There are three direct avenues to achieving more sales from our newsletters.

  • Ongoing Repeat Purchases
  • Cross Selling other products you have
  • Referring New Customers to you

All of these can be achieved by seeding sales into your newsletter. What I mean, is patient farming of your clients. Seeding little ideas that germinate, take root and flourish over time. Good relationships take time to build.

There are two really powerful strategies for doing this. First talking about your clients and their success stories. What challenges they were facing and how your products helped them overcome their problem. What results they got.

This gives you third party credibility – far more powerful than you saying it directly. And it clearly demonstrates you are delivering on what you say you are doing.

If you don’t have a client you can do a feature story on, then you can use advertorials to seed sales. In a newsletter you are best to focus on one problem and agitate it, then for the solution – use a call to action. And repeat with new problem or a different slant on the same problem next time.

This gives you plenty of room to create need. And if your clients read multiple advertorials coupled with client success stories then the desire for your products and services will build up over time.

Who is more patient? You or Your Customer?

With newsletters that is the only question. Who has more patience? Eventually your clients desire will build up to the point where they purchase refer or otherwise take action. It is that simple.

In under 12 months of being formally in business and publishing our own newsletter from day one, I can tell you it doesn’t take long.

Simply getting our own newsletter month-in, month-out has converted a couple of fence sitters into clients. The steady drip feeding from the newsletter will work to get your customers in the door and back in the door and it will remind them that you are there and they can refer people to you.

Newsletter Marketing Offers Article Writing for your newsletters, these same articles can be repurposed in multiple ways including onto your blog, into emails To arrange for Newsletter Marketing Systems to create content specifically for your business either call 1300 006 120 or email for a no cost no obligation discussion about planning your articles content,