The 7 Key Actions To Get The Strategic Advantage in Business

Below are 7 key actions that I recommend to the majority of businesses that I talk to if they are looking to get the strategic advantage in business and want to dominate thier industry.

There are many other actions that will allow you to dominate even more, but these 7 are what I would call the “Key” actions that if done properly will make all the difference.

1.) Define & Promote To Your Clients, Why They Should Use Your Business Over Every Other Competitor

If you can clearly define a unique reason why prospective clients should use your business over every other competitor it will give you a strategic “angle” for all your marketing. You will no longer be comparing your business to other businesses based on price alone because you offer something unique that they cannot get with any of your competitors.

2.) Create A System That Attracts New Clients

What you need to create is a predictable, reliable, profitable marketing system that delivers you with an abundance of pre-qualified prospects who are ready to buy from you and only you.

3.) Build A Database Of Prospects & Clients

You need to build your database of prospects and clients so that you can market to them. If somebody enquires and does not proceed with the work, then chances are they may still be interested, just not now – If you have a database, it becomes much easier to contact that prospect again and get the sale “down the line”

4.) Create A System That Retains Customers and Build Relationships

By keeping in contact with your clients on a regular basis, they know you better and when it comes to your product or service, you are in to fore-front of their mind. The contact is not “sales” contact, it is friendly, educational and entertaining contact. This builds the relationship with your database. It can be done online, in print or even over the phone. You want to systemize this contact as much as possible and use a combination of different methods of contact.

5.) Implement Strategies To Generate Repeat Sales From Existing Clients

You need to build in systems that make your clients spend more money with you more often, there are a variety of different options such as loyalty programs, gift cards, special offers, buy 5 get 1 Free deals etc. By building this into your business you ensure that you extract the highest possible return from each client.

6.) Stimulate Referrals From Existing Clients

Word of mouth is still the best method of building your business, so it makes sense to put a system in place to stimulate it! You can create referral programs that encourage your existing clients to refer business to you and reward them for it. There are strategies that make it extremely easy to get the exact message you want to your clients “friends, family and associates” which takes very little time to implement.

7.) Stay Educated & Constantly Innovate To Stay Ahead Of Your Competitors

Don’t get complacent with your systems and success, always be on the look out for new ideas, new technologies, new marketing avenues. Get yourself a mentor who can keep you informed and educated about the latest marketing tricks and strategies.