The Last 12 Months in Newsletter Marketing.

last-12-monthsIt has been a fun 12 months for us here at Newsletter Marketing Systems.

Although we count our anniversary in September when we launched the company for real and all the legal bits and bobs happened and we landed our first newsletter printing client.

We feel our genuine anniversary is when we officially welcomed Bernie Kroczek Real Estate on as our first full service customer, after ourselves. (As they say in software, Bernie beta tested everything for all our other customers. Thankfully most of it already worked and we only had to fine tune a little)

Shortly after Bernie and Gai started with us we landed a couple of other customers too – they seem to come on in bunches. Cariss Printing and Triumphant Property Services all started within a couple weeks of each other.

So we decided it was time to do a review for each of our clients as their 12 month anniversary came up with us.

The good news is all three have decided to keep doing their newsletter which means they will see even better results this year as compared to last year.

Bernie Kroczek real estate started their newsletter specifically to build loyalty amongst its property management clients. Why you ask? Simple when you finally sell a real estate agency the standard valuation is three times the ‘rent roll.’ Or three times what income derived from property management (not sales). So keeping all the current property management clients until Bernie and Gai finally decide to retire is worth a considerable amount of income to them as they work to add more and more property management clients.

To that end we know they haven’t lost any clients yet and that if they add all the people who have brought or sold a house with them over the last 7 years they will probably get a whole lot of sales listings from past clients too (and at a cost much lower than it normally costs to generate a listing).

Cariss Printing have had phenomenal success – how about that? A printing company actually willing to print their own marketing materials… They have had clients come back to them after receiving their newsletter. They have had clients start to order more, and products they have never ordered from them before and finally they have had a new client come on board after receiving their newsletter, whose first order more than paid for their newsletter for the year.

Finally, Triumphant Property Services have had one client return their strata cleaning contract to them, which has more than paid for their years worth of newsletter. The good news has been thick and fast. The most common comment they heard from clients in the past was “if I knew you did x, I would have gotten you to do that.” That has by and large stopped – clients are aware of all of their services now. From the first issue Shannon has been able to generate leads for his other products and services.

Needless to say, we are all pretty excited about how well our newsletters are going for our clients.