The Science Of Newsletter Content Part 3: Be A Bearer of Good News.

be-a-bearer-of-good-newsBad news is everywhere these days. For most of us, our customers will come home at the end of the day exhausted, put on the TV and watch the news. And I don’t know if you have sat down and watched the news of late but it is depressing. The economy is failing, our soldiers are dying, and our sports teams are losing and pensioners can’t afford to both eat and pay for electricity…

It goes on. In 1992 Bill Hicks did a similar piece about 24 hour news channels in Relentless his stand up comedy show at Montreal Comedy Festival. The news has probably gotten worse since then.

There are plenty of places your clients can go to get depressed. They don’t need you for that, in fact you can’t hold a torch to most of them. You can and should be the beacon of good news.

There are plenty of good things going on in your world that are worth sharing aren’t there? Yeah, I bet there are. Nobody other than you is going to be able to tell them about all the good things that are happening right.

Good news makes you a point of difference. Not too many other people are out there talking about good news are they?

In his book “Make Them Laugh and Take Their Money,” Dan Kennedy made the point that an audience in good humour buys more and buys more willingly than an audience that is not in good humour. Although he was talking about that in the context of making a speech he goes on to qualify this rule applies in every selling situation, be it one-on-one, in print or selling from the stage.

Good news and being in good humour make you more attractive to your customers hence more sales.

I will caution you. Don’t lie to your customers. If there is bad news out there that they need to know then you should pass it on. But also be the first to point out the opportunity or the positive spin to borrow from our bad news bearing friends.

For example if you use a headline like: The World Is Going To End Next Tuesday… (Creating new opportunities for you). Lots of places your customers can go to find out about the world ending. There are not too many people would take the extra step to point out the new opportunities (good news) they usually only bother to share the bad news.

There are lots of places your customers can go to be depressed. Do yourself a favour. Don’t be another one of those places. Differentiate yourself by being a bearer of good news.

As part of our service for our clients we provide content that is designed to make your customers happy and to look forward to receiving your newsletter. It automatically makes you and your business more attractive to your customers, making them more likely to want to buy from you again. To find out if you can effectively boost your repeat business and referrals with a newsletter register for a newsletter suitability audit by calling 1300 006 120 or going to