Fighting the Work-at-Home Bulge

The great majority of people who decide to work at home choose to do so for a feeling of freedom, to save cash and to achieve a better quality of life. The moment we stop going to the office, we immediately start saving money and feeling freer, but achieving quality of life can be a trickier business. The reality is that people working from home often get less exercise than those who have to go out to work; plus, it can be very tempting to eat more when at home. Full meals and regular snacks can soon add up, and although it is important to keep up your metabolic rate, it is vital not to be so active that it ends up dragging you down.

 It is a good idea to make sure you take a couple of breaks at some point in the day. Exercise doesn’t have to involve going to the gym or running a marathon; just use a 15- or 20-minute break to walk around the block, play tag with the kids, get on the treadmill, do some stretching or even try a little yoga.