Great Detox Tips

A detox is a method of cleansing toxins from the body which can result in you feeling bloated, irritable or sluggish, and may even have a negative affect on your skin and hair. When unhealthy living practices are starting to take their toll on your body and your mind, it is time to start detoxing.

In many ways, detoxing really just means good healthy eating which isn’t marred by foods that slow down and clog up the body such as sweets, fried food and takeaways. Rather than just detoxing so many times over the course of a year, it is a good idea to instead attempt to make eating healthily a continuous practice and thus encourage body to be in a continual state of healthy detoxification. This doesn’t mean depriving yourself altogether – the occasional treat is fine but stay away from junk food and alcohol binges.

If you are experiencing a sudden onset of acne, severe mood swings or unwanted bloating, detoxing could be the solution you need.