Healthy Tips for Holiday Travelers

There are expected to be more people traveling during this year’s holiday season than at any other time in recent years. Holiday periods are often stressful and bad for your health, but the good news is that there are a few simple travel tips that will help you maintain your fitness and nutrition goals even while on holiday.

 One good tip is to pack smart prior to flying. Before you leave the house, make sure that you put a few hunger-curbing and tasty foods in your carry-on bag, such as easy-to-eat fruits like apples, grapes and tangerines as well as a whole grain bagel. If you do forget to pack healthy food, try to get something healthy at the airport, with many terminals today offering a variety of food that you can buy while you are actually on your way to the gate. Look for fruit, nonfat yogurt and salads.

Another good tip is to keep eating healthy even at the in-laws. Maintain your healthy routine while you are on holiday by checking with your in-laws and having a corner of their pantry and fridge that is just for your healthy foods such as beans, tuna, salmon, oatmeal and cans of low-sodium soup.