Read My Face

red-my-faceThe old idea about the truth being written all over someone’s face may be closer to reality than most people realize. Aside from all those nonverbal signals that give away what someone is truly thinking and feeling, the state of our skin can also reveal a lot about what is happening to us healthwise, both physically and emotionally.

Although facial diagnostics is far from an exact science, it can certainly indicate whether we need to lead healthier lifestyles. One thing to look out for is the condition of a person’s skin in the mid-cheek area. The respiratory system is linked to our cheeks, so a mild rash could actually be an indication that a body is being starved of oxygen, and the individual may need to work on deepening his or her breath. Meanwhile, the mouth correlates to the stomach, and discoloration around the lips can be a sign of a poor appetite, bloating or even poor bowel movements.