Creating a Great Newsletter: 17 Newsletter Ideas.

The hardest thing about creating a newsletter is twofold: Keeping the balance of general interest content and content specific to your business right and coming up with ideas for articles. You need lots of newsletter ideas in order for you to have good content in there every month. So, here are 17 newsletter ideas for your next issue.

  1. Problem / solution Articles
  2. How-to’s
  3. Top tips
  4. Opinion / analysis
  5. Look into the future
  6. Horror/disaster story
  7. Case study
  8. Reviews
  9. Best of the past issues article
  10. Surveys / feedback request
  11. Resource links
  12. Amusing or inspirational anecdotes, stories and quotes
  13. Answering feedback
  14. Interviews
  15. News
  16. Statistics and lists
  17. Quizzes

You can use these as newsletter ideas to create your newsletter. If you can’t fill your newsletter for a year using each of these ideas, plus plenty of strong relationship building content, then you really ought to consider getting some professional help.

This is only part of the list that we give to our clients to help them brainstorm article ideas for their newsletter. It is easy to get some great articles from these newsletter ideas and when creating a newsletter.