How Do They Do It? The Publishing Industry’s Secret To Coming up with content:

How you can plan a years worth of newsletter content in just 27 minutes!

One of the most common questions we get asked by our clients is:content

“How do we plan our content for the year?”

Answer: There is no magic formula to coming up with content. Sad but true. There are some time test principles to it though.

The best idea is to borrow from Magazine publishers, month in month out they fill magazines with plenty of content. Ever since The Gentlemen’s Magazine started being published in 1731, magazine publishers have been very diligent about coming up with a content plan.

For a newsletter we just need to take their content plan and adapt it slightly, after all, when you are doing a newsletter with us you just need to supply an article not fill a whole magazine.

What we do for our clients is come up with a short list of their products and services and then the associated benefits of those products and services.

That will often give them more than their 12 article topics for the year. Then all that needs to be done is sit down and write them. We also can provide the seed ideas. We have more than 121 different types of article  seed ideas. Which means you can repurpose your content in multiple ways so that your audience reads it over and over – until they get it.

Coming up with content is more to do with planning and then being diligent enough to execute in advance in order to meet deadlines.

As many writers often joke, writing isn’t that hard. You sit down at your computer, open the words processor, slice open your wrist and bleed.

Not really it isn’t that bad.

But if you don’t like writing, you really need a routine and a set time to do it otherwise it never gets done.

Sad that creativity is so mechanical, but it is. That is how we plan our newsletter content and how we recommend our clients plan their newsletter content.