Now there are a lot of people bemoaning the increase in postage.
That’s a good thing. If people are complaining that means they are looking for a way not use the mail any more.
Which means even less clutter in people’s mailbox and much MORE CLUTTER in their inbox.
Invariably, when prices increase all it does is actually knock the most marginal, least effective marketers out of the media. The ones who know what they are doing and have the transaction values to warrant being there will be there, and be more effective because there is less competition.
On top of that they will market better – better targeting, using stronger copy and higher transaction value offers becomes a must when you are faced with a price rise. Quitting is the lazy option.
There Is a Price Rise Coming For Email Too!
One of these days, someone will figure out how to collect a cent or a fraction of a cent on every email sent. I for one am looking forward to it. There is too much junk mail and poor quality advertising being sent to my inbox just because it is free.
Paid email would wipe out phishing and spamming operations virtually overnight. They make their money entirely on volume – with microscopic responses. Interestingly, the most likely person to purchase Viagra from spam emails is medical doctors. A lesson in buyer psychology there.
Also, it means that the laws of profitable direct mail would apply to email marketing too.
Which Side of The Fence Do You Want To Be On?
As with all changes, you are faced with two choices either exploit it or quit. The marketers and entrepreneurs who go the extra yard, will be rewarded. Success is more often than not a battle of attrition you win by being the one who overcomes all the obstacles and doesn’t quit.
I know some people will be despondent about paying 10 cents per stamp more, but firstly it’s not that much ($10 per hundred letters) and secondly there are plenty of ways to get smarter about how you go about your business.
If you are using direct mail and are worried about how it is going to affect your business then I encourage you to give us a call on 1300 120 106 and we can make a time to work out how to make your direct mail more effective.