Getting Out Of A Rut

Lapsing into a rut and then finding that we are stuck is, unfortunately, not so much an exception as it is common for the great majority of people. People are always getting stuck in some aspect of their lives, be it hating their current job but being too afraid to leave it, being stuck in an unhealthy or unfulfilling relationship, or being too afraid to take the next step in a healthy one.

The good news is that there are ways to get out of these ruts, perhaps one of the most important being to view any setback you receive in life as nothing more than a temporary inconvenience. One good tip to get back on track is to picture yourself being cheered on by a hero of yours. It doesn’t matter whether this person is male or female, living or dead, real or fictional — just imagine what they would say to you to inspire you or picture what they might do if in the same situation.