Make Your Work Day Happier

Everyone has one of those days – particularly on Mondays, when you have yet to get back into the swing after the weekend, and Fridays, when you just wish the weekend would hurry up and arrive – when work just seems to be getting you down. The good news is that when one of “those days” strikes, there are a few tips to help you get through and make the day happier.

One tip is to not react to the “urgent” requests of other people with the speed they might be hoping for. If someone asks needs your help, either with a project or some other form of “urgent” need, make sure you ask what their deadline actually is. Then schedule it for that day. The great majority of people upon being asked realise that it is not as urgent as they thought it was and will be happy to set it for a future date. Then you can get back to dealing with your top activities instead.